Old House Hotel

Mount Washington … Just Do It!

I must admit, I love adventures.  I’ll also admit that there is often angst associated with embarking on them – the packing, the I-think-might-be-getting-a-cold syndrome before leaving, the last-minute work assignment, the dog just threw up scenario, the I’m-out-of-shape fear factor, and many other nagging possibilities that could justify backing out.

Each year, it’s not unusual for the call of bright blue sky, oodles of powder and a breathtaking view of Mount Washington to encourage me to prod my family, “When are we going skiing?” It’s also not unusual for a manic work week to kill the thought, leaving my energy deflated like a popped balloon and for the million-and-one reasons not to go start to take hold.  But thanks to my spouse’s talent for making a plan and sticking to it, ski Mount Washington we did, just a week or so ago … and yes …  it was fantastic.

Whether you like back-country skiing, sweeping the slopes on a board or winding your way down the trails on parabolic skis, there is no way you will be disappointed after making the commitment to go!  Even after getting up early, putting on your layers, driving the scenic drive to the lodge and standing in line to rent your equipment (or lugging your own), clouds our sun, you’ll love your personal encounter with the undefinable, graceful, and challenging, yet gentle, Mount Washington.

This year the rental process developed under new owners surprised me: easy computer registration and a fast-moving line-up for rental payment. (I found it interesting that the instructors double as ticket agents.)  The sizing and pick up of rentals are quite fast, and the staff is super friendly.  This is the first year I rented and wore a helmet.  I grew up a die-hard eastern skier and never took to the replacement for rooster-crop-like wool hats.  I did, however, find my helmet warm and light.  And yet for another year running, a pair of goggles missing from our winter clothes bin, so rented those too!

The only slight downer was the food, not bad by cafeteria standards but just not a lot of super healthy choices.  Next time, I will be sure to pack a lunch and fill in with the warm beverages and free water available in various locations throughout the lodge.  I also loved that we could take the dog; we skied to the parking lot and walking her every few hours!  I think it would be great to have close parking for pet owners, as we were not the only ones catering to our four-legged family members who could not ski.

It also was an amazing experience to return to the Old House. A long hot tub and swim in the heated outdoor pool, a relaxing tub and then a family meal of treats we picked up from the awesome new Thrifty’s grocery story (it’s like Whole Foods meets Trader Joes meets Save On Foods) just across the street.

We’re ready to go hang out with Mount Washington again … maybe cross-country ski this time or snow shoe  … although the allure of skiing in a T-shirt is mighty tempting.  Anyway, if you keep putting off your visit, don’t … just go.  Just do it!


Outside The Old House Front Door

A Comox Valley Explorer Blog